
Here are the instructions for the Mini-Sock we made in my class at Virtual Vogue Knitting Live.

Use a DK or sportweight yarn and appropriate circular needles, length 80 cm (32 inches) or more.

Cast on 4 stitches on each needle tip (8 stitches in total) via Judy’s Magic Cast On or (this is easier) the Winding Cast on by Åsa Tricosa.

Here’s my video about Judy’s Magic Cast-on (Link to Vimeo).

Round 1: Knit.
Round 2:
Top Needle: right-leaning lifted increase, knit to end, work left-leaning lifted increase into last stitch.
Bottom Needle: right-leaning lifted increase, knit to end, work left-leaning lifted increase into last stitch.

Work Rounds 1 and 2 two times more. 10 stitches on each needle tip.

Knit a number of rounds.

Round 1:
Top Needle: knit 1, right-leaning lifted increase into the next stitch, knit to last stitch, left-leaning lifted increase, knit 1.
Bottom Needle: knit.

Round 2: knit.

Round 3:
Top Needle: knit 2, right-leaning lifted increase into the next stitch, knit to last 2 stitches, left-leaning lifted increase, knit 2.
Bottom Needle: knit.

Round 4: knit.

Round 5:
Top Needle: knit 3, right-leaning lifted increase into the next stitch, knit to last 3 stitches, left-leaning lifted increase, knit 3.
Bottom Needle: knit.

Round 6: knit.

Round 7:
Top Needle: knit 4, right-leaning lifted increase into the next stitch, knit to last 4 stitches, left-leaning lifted increase, knit 4.
Stop here and don’t work the Bottom Needle.

Only work on Bottom Needle (the sole of the foot), going back and forth.
Row 1: knit to last stitch, wrap & turn.
Row 2: purl to last stitch, wrap & turn.
Row 3: knit to 2 last stitches, wrap & turn.
Row 4: purl to 2 last stitches, wrap & turn.
Row 5: knit to 3 last stitches, wrap & turn.
Row 6: purl to 3 last stitches, wrap & turn.

Bottom Needle: Knit to first wrapped stitch, pick up the wrap and knit it together with stich. Do this for all 3 wrapped stitches in this place.
Top Needle: Knit.
Bottom Needle: pick up the wrap and knit it together with stitch (3 times).
Re-arrange the stitches so that all the gusset stitches will be sitting next to the heel stitches on each needle.

Work back and forth on the Heel stitches.
Row 1: knit to last stitch before gusset stitches, knit 2 together through the back loop.
Row 2: purl to last stitch before gusset stitches, purl 2 together.
Work Rows 1 and 2 four times.

Work in [knit 1 through the back loop, purl 1] until the leg has the desired length. Bind off With Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-off.

I recommend the pattern „Spice Man“ by Yarnissima as well as her other sock patterns.