Strickplaner 2020 Sponsoring
So cute, so useful and totally indispensable: Strickplaner – your knitting planner – has become a vital part of many knitters’ lives around the globe. I myself can’t imagine life without it, and so I am really happy to announce that we decided to go for another edition in 2020!
We will feature the pretty endpapers by artist Julie Levesque, the very robust cover with a textile feel, the beautiful berry-colored details, an elastic closure, ribbon bookmarks and high quality paper.
As in the past years, we would like to invite the knitting world to be part of Strickplaner and support this project through sponsoring. If you would like to be present in many knitters’ everyday lives, our weekly inspirations, banner or full-color pages are perfect for you – whether you are a dyer or yarn brand, accessory maker or desginer.
Drop me a line at planner (at), and I will send you our media kit!