Strickmich! Sommer Camp Week 4
Let’s make everything more fun, more colorful and more squishy by adding knitted or crocheted embellishments to our surroundings! Show us your yarn bombing project: a stone, a door handle, a lamp post or maybe a little dwarf on a window sill… To participate, upload your picture in our thread on Ravelry or load it up on Instagram or facebook, using our hashtag #strickmichsommercamp.
An entire little city made out of yarn, complete with cars, fire trucks and skyscrapers: David Wasser (who is from the US) has co-ordinated a huge yarnbombing project in Frankfurt, Germany called Wollkenkratzer. Here are his tips for your first yarn bombing project:
- Start with something small: A door handle, a part of a fence or a lamp post can easily be beautified with a simple rectangle made out of colorful yarn.
- Yarn made out of artificial fibers is king for yarnbombing: It won’t become heavy when it rains and it’s really durable.
- Even if you prefer knitting to crochet – try a little crochet for your yarnbombing projects. It’s often more stable and less stretchy, which is an advantage.
- Yarnbombing does not destroy or damage the objects it is attached to – hence, it is usually well tolerated and not considered criminal. However, you should refrain from yarnbombing traffic signs or anything that might heat up and make your yarnbombing project catch fire.
- If you would like your object not to be removed very easily, use cable ties to attach them.
- A responsible yarn bomber will look after their projects and remove and discard of them once they have become worn and unattractive.