Get your ticket for our Knitting Event now!
Finally we will see each other again! On May 21st, we will be hosting a real live knitting event here in Damsdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. We will start at 1 pm with the cast-on event for knitters of Strickmich! Club, then go on with the knitting event for everyone at 2 pm, and at 3:30 best-selling German author Till Raether will read from his book “Treue Seelen”. As we need to plan ahead and also comply with regulations due to the pandemic concerning the number of participants, we kindly ask you to book your spot in Strickmich! Shop. Tickets go for 8 Euros and include a coupon for beverages and snacks worth 5 Euros. The rest covers our expenses for hygiene and checking tickets and coping with the requirements. The ticket covers the cast-on event, the knitting event and the reading with Till Raether.
Reserve your spot here in Strickmich! Shop. You will not need to bring a ticket or print-out, we will work with a list of participants. You will get the 5 Euro coupon when entering.
For your own safety, we will require you to wear FFP2-masks while inside the house, except for when you are seated.
The tickets are non-refundable.
Looking forward to knitting with you!