Suzanne, the Sock
When I visited Wollmeise a couple of weeks ago, I needed a little carry-on-project that I could knit while waiting for the plane, during the flight (luckily no one confiscated my knitting needles during security check!) and while chatting away with other knitters on Claudia’s red sofas. As you know, I am a big fan of simple toe-up socks (yes, I am knitting “Spice Man” by Yarnissima again), and this time I am using Wollmeise Twin, colorway “Suzanne”. It is just so fascinating how the colors arrange to cute stripes during knitting! No need for a complicated pattern, the yarn makes great-looking socks almost by itself. I used two stitches more than usually because I wanted to achieve a size between the 38/39 and 40/41 in the pattern. My shoe size used to be 39, but my feet apparantly grew during my pregnancies. So now I ususally wear 40, and I wanted to make size 40 socks – which turn out to be a little too loose. Maybe the two additional stitches were a mistake? Let’s see. I will finish these socks and if I find them to large indeed, I will gift them to someone with slightly bigger feet. I just hope that the recipient will love the unusual colors just as much as I do – otherwise it would be a waste of the pretty yarn!
Thanks for bringing this pattern to my attention. I knit socks all the time, but could size them better.
Da wird sich ganz bestimmt jemand drüber freuen! Strickst du Wollmeise Twin mit 2 oder 2,5?
LG, Micha
Immer mit 2.0 – ich stricke superlose!
Ich finde die Socken ganz wunderbar….also wenn sie nicht passen…..;-)….
Was, so dünne Stricknadeln durftest Du ins Flugzeug mitnehmen ??
Ja, das ist normalerweise kein Problem!