Shrug & More: Useful Hints

Here are a few useful hints for knitting Shrug & More: About the crossed stitches, short rows and more!

Shrug & More (Vimeo Link) from Martina Behm on Vimeo.

How to wear Shrug & More

Here’s a little video that about Shrug & More: How to wear Shrug & More on Vimeo

It’s happening!


Things are hap-pening around here: First of all – all Strickmich! Club parcels of the second shipment 2016 have left the building this Tuesday. They are on their way to our excited members, and I am really looking forward to seeing the beautiful yarn on the needles and people sporting their finished projects!


But here’s another piece of exciting news: Kate Davies, knitting mastermind, has assembled a wonderful book: “The Book of Haps” contains new shawl designs by Romi Hill, Gudrun Johnston, Carol Feller, Bristol Ivy and Veera Välimäki and many more – I feel lucky and proud that I was asked to contribute, too. Without spoiling anyone, I think I may reveal that my design is called “Shore Hap” and is made of Rohrspatz & Wollmeise Pure. You can pre-order the book on Kate’s website:


RoseCandybyMartinaBehm 7

Dear Knitters, I have been incredibly busy during the past weeks: I taught two classes at
Edinburgh Yarn Festival (so great! You should definitely go next year if you have the chance), knit the next pattern for Strickmich! Club, writing & layouting, working on the online store with my lovely assistant Ute, and the kids had their easter break plus a birthday – there was not much time left to bring the pattern ideas from my notebook to yarn and to Ravelry. But now! There’s lots of exciting new stuff on my list: Something made of Wollmeise Lace, maybe a garment, and one is already knit (out of Rosy Green Wool Cheeky Merino Joy – a wonderful yarn), we are currently working on a second sample in a different set of colors, and then we will also offer kits in our online store. The store is still developing – currently we are only shipping to German addresses, but we are hoping to be able to change that soon. Please be patient!

In the first days of June I will put up the fourth Strickmich! Club pattern from 2015 up for you on Ravelry:
Rose Candy, a comfy cowl in a supersoft yarn.

So – there’s stuff coming up. If you feel like it, have a peek at the goodies we sell at Strickmich! Shop: Kits, yarn, stitch markers and binders – they’re all available here when we host events, and I promise it won’t be long until we ship internationally.

Rosy Heb 1

Maschenmarker-klein 1 (1)


March 12th: Open Studio and a Special Guest

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I am so looking forward to this: On the day of our next Open Studio knitting event on March 12th, hand dyer Heike Rehfeldt will join us and offer a selection of her gorgeous Wollkenschaf yarns here in my house in Damsdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

I have been a fan of hers for a long time, that’s why I chose her to dye an exclusive colorway for my very first Strickmich! Club in 2014. I wrote a little profile about her which you can read here.

Her booth will open at 2 pm, and that’s also when our Mini-yarn shop will open its doors for you.

Class: The little knitting things

I will teach a little knitting Class at our event on March 12th here at my house. It’s in German, but if you are interested, please drop me a line at mail at strickmich dot de.

I am now MartinaBehm on Ravelry


When I chose my Ravelry Name a couple of years ago, “Martina” was already taken, and as I wanted something short an number-free, I just exchanged the “r” for an “l” and became “Maltina”. I was only mildly aware that this is also the name of a Nigerian malt-beer brand which really had nothing to do with me or my work. It did not bother me for a long time, but during the past couple of weeks I got a feeling that I needed to change this. My full name is visible on my designer profile anyway, so it does not really make sense to hide behind a made-up name. So today I changed my name to “MartinaBehm”, and it feels really good! I will make an effort to change this on my patterns, business cards and the like, but this will take al little time. I hope you will find me nevertheless!

Blunk the Hat as a Kit


In my online Shop I am now offering kits for “Blunk the Hat” with the beautiful gradient yarns by Schoppel. Unfortunately we are currently not able to ship outside Germany – but we are working on it! In the meantime, please enjoy these pretty yarn pictures. The pattern, however, is still available for you here in my Ravelry Store.